Sustainable development
Sustainable development is one of the core pillars of BGK's strategy for 2021-2025. Our strategic approach to sustainability is reflected in the goals of our business model programmes.
In 2023, we have launched an offer “Financing to support sustainable investment”, in which we include criteria linked to sustainable development.
The transportation industry is a significant contributor to carbon dioxide emissions. In 2021, the share of transportation in CO2 emissions was 29.2% in the European Union and 20.8% in Poland (70.4 million t CO2eq)1.
annual decline in CO2eq emissions from transportation thanks to BGK's project financing agreements
1 Source: UTK,,Emisja-dwutlenku-wegla-CO2.html, for: Europejska Agencja Środowiska, Statistical Pocketbook 2022
Social commitment
Our role in developing social capital and fostering equal opportunities is reflected in our support for education, culture, sports and respect for the environment.
There are about 10 million people with mobility impairment in Poland, and only less than 30% of public entities are seated in barrier-free buildings.2.
estimated annual number of people using buildings where architectural barriers have been eliminated or reduced thanks to support from BGK.
2 Source:
International business and cooperation
We contribute to increasing the international competitiveness of the Polish economy by:
- supporting export and expansion of Polish enterprises,
- attracting high-quality foreign investment and financial partnerships,
- creating international financial solutions,
- strengthening relations with international institutions.
the total amount of export and foreign expansion financing provided by us in 2023 (under the Financial Exports Support Government Programme and as part of own activities)
We have three representative offices:
Digital and process transformation
The rollout of digital technologies in BGK accounts for a comprehensive view of modern trends and challenges in the area of digitisation of financial institutions. We have successfully deployed modern systems that integrate and perform key business processes and functions (e.g. electronic channels, payment platform).
We have also been reducing the level of technical debt. At the same time, we provide modern work tools, we make work faster, easier and safer. The key elements of the pillar are automation and robotisation, which reduce repetitive work and allow employees to focus on strategic development tasks.
Effective management model
At present, we are focusing on issues related to, among other things, adjustment of conditions to interdisciplinary work, building a feedback culture, and building informal matrix structures of projects.
To facilitate interdisciplinary work, we have implemented IT tools. They enhance communication within teams – including during work in hybrid mode. Matrix-based teams stimulate the potential of employees and forge synergies between different competence areas.